söndag, april 02, 2006


Igår var jag och såg Morrissey. Det luktade nytvättat hår (det är en vacker doft som jag saknar). En stund av magiskt varande väntades, upplevdes och etsar sig fast.

"I am so very tired of doing the right thing"
"To me you are a work of art"

"Yes I walk around somehow but you have killed me, you have killed me"

Set list:

First of the gang to die

Still ill
You have killed me

The youngest was the most loved
Reader meet author
I have forgiven Jesus
I will see you in far-off places
My life is an endless succession of people saying goodbye

Girlfriend in a coma
Let me kiss you
Life is a pigsty
Interlude Helan går
Trouble loves me

How soon is now
At last I am born
I just want to see the boy happy
Irish blood, English heart
Last night I dreamt that somebody loves me.

Att bära med sig hem:

1. Förmågan att känna dofter
2. Ord
3. En t-shirt

"Last night I dreamt that somebody loved me, no hope no harm, just another false alarm"

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